Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jesus, Mary and the Miraculous Palm Tree

The apocryphal liturature describes the journey into Egypt in fantastic detail. On the third day of the trip, Mary was fatigued by the excessive heat of the desert sun and sought rest under a palm tree. Seeing that it was full of fruit, she longed to eat some of it. Jesus, always attentive to his Mother's wishes, asked the tree to bend its branches so that they could pick some date nuts. Satisfied by the obedient tree, the Child asked an angel to carry a branch to Heaven. Having thus blessed the tree, he decided that winners of competitions should henceforth be greeted thus: "You have attained the palm of victory." From that time on, the palm would be used as a symbol of the martyrdom and glory of the saints.

Walk the path through your barriers and you shall be greeted with the glory of the Palm.

(Psudo-Matthew 20:1-2, 21)
Entry from Martina Degl'Innocenti and Stella Marinone "Mary"

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